Monday, March 26, 2012

Feeling giddy like a $34H0R$3

STATUS Magazine made a sweet little feature about me and my daily life in their website. It's kind of a big thing for me because they're the only young and hip magazine in Manila that I really read. I'm sure a lot can attest to that. I had so much fun answering their quirky questions! Even though I woke up really stressed out this Monday morning because of rushed orders for OS, and also my hair is so messy (I may need a good haircut soon), this really made my day. Thank you Rosario and to the whole STATUS magazine team! Read the entire feature here.

 feeling giddy like a $34H0R$3


  1. Your outfits are amazing! You're one of the few people i log onto lookbook for :3! I didn't know you had a blog! but i found it the other day and now i'm obsessed haha :') Hope the weathers not too hot!

    1. hey thanks Joel! I love your blog too! You have really cute photos and gif :) and i really like your style! our weather is really bad (like super hot) but it's tolerable. It's just so hard to dress up! haha
